The spring classes are about to begin in many of the colleges in the United States. While things are improving, there are a lot of things still out of the normal. Below, we are going to give you some hints on what you can expect when you arrive at college for your first year in 2021.
What to expect at colleges this spring
- The semester may start in quarantine.
- Some schools are requiring students to self-quarantine for 2-weeks before they arrive. This will help ensure negative COVID test results at admissions.
- Colleges will try to limit who is on campus.
- If you can take your class online, even if you do it from your room in the dorm, you may be encouraged to do so. The goal is to keep people apart.
- COVID-19 precautions will be written into the student code of conduct.
- You will be given a complete list of what is required of you. This includes masks, hat, pants for women
- Spring break is likely canceled.
- There cannot be people running all over the place and bringing the virus back to campus. Colleges will be encouraging students to go home for the Thanksgiving break.
- Face masks will likely be mandatory.
- See your pandemic handbook
- Testing may be required for students living on or accessing campus.
- Most students will have a long wait for a vaccine.
- Residence halls will have restrictions.
- This will be in an attempt to keep the number of people in buildings while allowing students time to socialize
- Expect restrictions in dining halls.
- Physical barriers will remain on campus.
- This includes Plexiglass barriers put up to protect teachers, servers, and people who work face-to-face.
- Outdoor options and events will be limited at first.
- Students will need to find safe ways to socialize.
- Parties will be banned. But meeting for lunch, watching a movie together, or joining an online support group is a good idea.
- College sports will likely not go on as planned.
- There are continual date and time changes, watch for them
- Some athletics programs won’t play at all.
- It is up to the individual conferences if the programs go on for the season or not.
You have rights
It is a time for the schools, parents, and students. The students starting college in Spring of 2021 after a major pandemic and while there is still a threat of virus, may feel particularly exposed. But, know that you have certain rights. You cannot be turned away from school for having a disease that you can control. But, you do not have the same rights you had as a child in school.
As a child, the school your child attended had to provide certain tools he needed to ensure he got the same level of education as the other children in the school. Even if the child has a learning, thinking, or reading issue that made teaching them a challenge, it was required by law. He could not be kept from school because of physical disabilities. Proper adjustments had to be made to allow him access to his class.
As an adult, you still have a right to have physical access to the buildings. This is a federal law. However, the disability laws change here a bit. You are guaranteed on a federal level to be treated the same as any other student coming to that school. There are programs in place that will help students with certain disabilities. There are programs that students can get into to help them deal with anxiety, and stress.
There are options available that will help. It is up to the student if they want to keep their parents in the loop. These laws assure fair treatment, they do not guarantee you an education. As a child, the government had to clear the way for you to get a diploma. But, in adulthood you are not guaranteed a degree.
Certain disabilities won’t hold you back
Some disabilities that will not affect your ability to go to school. However, your school does need to have people on hand that are trained in what to do in case of emergency. Diabetes is a good example of that type of disability.
Diabetes is an incurable disease that plagues more than 34-million people in the United States. The college student going away for school for the first time, may feel a little intimidated about this. The need to monitor his blood at particular times, and to act on the information he is collecting is now all his. He may want to change the way he transmits his information. He may update to the Bayer glucofacts deluxe software download and it does not matter if his parents cannot access his information.
Regardless of what his state law tells him, he is protected under Federal law that protects people with disabilities. He is able to attend college even with this disease and no one can turn him away.
If you are a student who is planning to attend college for the first time, this spring. Go to your doctor before you leave home. If you have a history of panic attacks or anxiety problems, address these before you go to school.
Make sure you are current with your diabetes prescriptions. Have everything you need with you. Have a back-up meter and supplies. Expect everything to go great, but plan for a rough day. That way, you’re ready for anything!