There’s no magic formula to achieving high grades and even the brightest students struggle at times and find themselves academically underperforming. Anyone can find themselves stuck in a rut and going back and forth in terms of what they can do to improve their score.
If this sounds familiar and you feel like assignments are looming over you, your first step is to figure out what the reasons behind the struggle are and try to find a way to tackle them.
Bad grades happen and you shouldn’t feel bad at all because there is always a solution to improve your report card. Especially if you take action as soon as possible.
If you feel lost and don’t know how to go about it, in this article we offer a solid plan of action to move forward and help you achieve the grades you’re capable of achieving.
Practice Smart Study Skills
Depending on the subject, you might have a lot of study material to cover, and therefore it is wise for you to have a coordinated set of strategies, and make the process of learning efficient and more effective. This entails taking full advantage of lecture and revision notes, combining self-testing with distributed practice, and using proven study methods like flashcards to retain factual knowledge and important information, identifying weak spots in the process.
In addition, if you’re wondering how to improve grades more swiftly, you can also look at the option of joining online communities that provide video lessons with concise explanations for the most difficult subjects. Such online education platforms not only provide instant access to study guides and exam-like practice but also offer a seamless learning experience that will guarantee a grade increase.
Communicate With Professors
Communicating with your professors and asking them where they think you can improve will make a world of difference as you’ll know what to focus on. Don’t be afraid to ask questions during class or walk up to them after the lecture is over if you prefer direct feedback.
Since many classes are now held online, you can also reach them by phone or email and ask for some academic advice. Not only could this make the entire studying process much clearer but it can also offer you much-needed encouragement. Many professors find it flattering when students take a personal interest and they might offer additional reading materials that aren’t listed in the syllabus and this might re-energize your interest.
Professors are not meant to only relay course material. On the contrary, their primary role is to share their time, knowledge and guide students on the right academic path.
Improve Note-Taking Skills
Taking notes can be your best tool for successful studying. If done correctly, there are plenty of benefits that can be drawn. To take notes means to do the job now instead of later. It is to make it easier for yourself to absorb the knowledge you are expected to have, to create study material that is tailored to you. Ultimately it will save you both time and effort in the long run.
It is always easier to start with notes if you first get an overview of the material. You don’t have to read the whole chapter but skim through it, let your eyes run across the page. Read the titles, and parts that are in bold. This will give you an idea of what’s important in the text so that you can focus extra on the central parts.
Then just write them down. Taking notes is not the same as writing regular texts, and you’re not supposed to rewrite the entire textbook. Your sentences don’t have to be very nice, or even correct. The important thing is that they contain relevant information or abbreviations that you understand.
Stop Procrastinating
Sometimes the reasons for underperforming are that students spend too much of their time procrastinating and distracting themselves with things like social media. This is normal when they don’t know where to start and waste time when they could be productive.
Everyone has been in a situation where they’ve put off work but by breaking your work into little steps, setting goals and rules for yourself, you’ll manage your time better and create an overview of upcoming tasks.
Changing this bad slacking habit will not only help you achieve better academic performance but will also help you in other areas of life.
Final Thoughts
Establishing a solid action plan and paying close attention to your weak spots and strengths can be the best way to improve your grades. Joining online communities, utilizing your professors for advice and guidance, and ending bad habits that kill your productivity is a must when you want to score better grades.