Social media marketing is using social media platforms to make connections with your target audience. It helps in building brands, increasing sales, and driving website traffic. The major and most popular social media platforms include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and YouTube.Here are a few tips for social media marketing that will give you excellent results:

Identify Your Goals

Smart business practice includes goal setting before making other plans. Using the SMART strategy to set goals will create an excellent foundation for success in social media marketing.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific: Do not be vague about your goals. Specify what exactly you expect from your business
  • Measurable: You must be able to answer definitively whether you have hit your goals or missed the targets.
  • Attainable: Out of the reach, goals leave you frustrated and demoralized. Stretch yourself to achieve goals, but do not take it too far by going overboard.
  • Relevant: Your social media marketing goals must be in tandem with your marketing goals. Is your goal to increase the website’s traffic? Is it to build its audience? Ensure the goal is relatable to your goals.
  • Timely: Dates keep companies accountable to the set goals. Take up a large project and break it up into small goals, each with a deadline.

Know Your Audience

The message needs to be designed for a specific audience for it to be effective. Pinpointing the right audience is done by:

  • Review of Satisfied Customers: Clients who are satisfied with a product or service are the best starting points when you intend to build a buyer persona. Start by studying their demographics, industries, and goals to understand your target audience.
  • Pinpoint pinpoints: Which need does your product solve? How does it simplify your clients’ life? When you thoroughly understand these points, only then can you show their value.
  • Survey Customer support: Talk to the team on the frontline. Ask them which questions they hear most from clients. This way, you can know which direction your content will take and how to engage your clients.

Choose The Right Platform

It is a mistake to gain followers on many social media channels. The social media accounts manager will be overwhelmed, with the content being poor. Facebook is the giant of social media, with LinkedIn also being a platform for business presence. Companies should focus on:

  • Who needs the service or products? This will tell you which platform to use. If you want to sell to customers directly, Facebook is the best. If you are targeting a young clientele, Instagram or Snapchat is the best. For marketing to different companies, LinkedIn is your best bet.
  • Where are your competitors? Check which social media marketing channels your competitors are using. Study their social media presence and their followers, then act accordingly

Social media accounts take time to manage. Choose one or two channels and concentrate on doing those work, rather than managing five or six.

Employ A Qualified Social Media Manager

You have to employ a savvy social media manager. A mistake many companies make is to choose a person with the cheapest hourly rate, not checking whether the person has any skills for the job. The manager needs to have:

  • Strategic thinking: Every social media manager needs to be a strategic thinker. Companies should choose the situation carefully and ensure they discuss the short and long term goals. The manager must know how to select content and write posts, engaging followers constructively.
  • Organizational Skills:  Running social media campaigns demands a person who can layout strategies using a step-by-step approach. They must know how to handle their time well and have control over their calendars.


Running a social media, account is demanding, and building a brand takes a lot of work. As a company, knowing your target audience is the key to building a powerful brand. Social media channels depend on demographics. Instagram and Snapchat cater to the young, while LinkedIn and Facebook cater to a more mature audience.

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