Once upon a time, the term “interior design” was solely used on TV shows and glossy magazines.
Well, times have changed, and this is a term that has suddenly become accessible. Whether it is the internet or another reason, we won’t speculate, but there’s no doubt that we’ve all got the potential to become interior designers in our own right.
Ultimately, renovating your interiors on a budget is suddenly much more do-able. Today’s article will dive into this topic into further detail and provide some generic tips on how you can transform your home without breaking the bank.
Preserve the items you already have
Gone are the days when interior design is merely buying a few soft furnishings and hoping for the best. Nowadays, it tends to broach a full-scale home renovation. The result? The dreaded dust.
As such, make sure you preserve the items that are already in your home. Generally speaking, it’s easier for them to be removed entirely, as dust seems to always find a way to creep through doors, cracks and anything else it can manoeuvre through. Consider storage from Safestore to temporarily store your items as your project gets going.
Change your perspective
When you live somewhere day in, day out, it’s easy to become blinkered to its potential. After all, you know every inch of your home like the back of your hand.
However, take a step back and really look at your home with a fresh pair of eyes. Try and see it as if you’re seeing it for the first time. This will help you to identify any areas which may need some work. A huge and costly mistake is to turn a room upside down when in reality, smaller (and cheaper) hacks will be much more impactful.
Purge the clutter
We’re all guilty of holding on to things “just in case.” However, this can quickly lead to your home becoming cluttered and crammed.
A great way to refresh your interiors is to simply get rid of any items that you no longer need or use. Not only will this declutter your home, but it will also make it feel more spacious. The cost? Zero!
Of course, decluttering is one of those recent buzzwords that is easier said than done. There are some good guides out there that can show you how to declutter the right items, which can help your plight significantly.
Accessorising is key
Once you’ve decluttered your home, it will feel much more spacious. However, it may also feel a little bare.
This is where accessorising comes in. By adding a few key pieces, you can really transform a room without spending a lot of money. For example, a couple of strategically placed vases can really brighten up a room, as can some new artwork or a rug. Or, it might revolve around new doorknobs – a regularly overlooked item of a room but one that can again make all of the difference.