Health & Fitness

Nutritional Education with Herbalife Nutrition Clubs

With Herbalife nutrition clubs and experts, the company makes nutritional education easily accessible. Herbalife and its independent distributors have long been focused on the value of community and coaching, to help more people understand nutrition. With clubs to help people get more from their experience, and distributors who can provide valuable information from experts, Herbalife Nutrition is […]

Health & Fitness

Is It Time for You to Take a Hearing Test?

Hearing loss is one of America’s more pervasive disorders, and the third-most prevalent condition in older U.S. adults. And with hearing also intrinsically linked to cognitive ability, it can be a dangerous condition to ignore. How’s your hearing? When was the last time it was tested? And is it time to get tested now? Let’s […]

Health & Fitness

How to Become A Parapsychologist?

A Parapsychologist is someone who spends time studying lots of out-of-the-ordinary happenings. If you are someone who this field has always attracted, you’ll want to join this growing area of research. A degree in the field can help you find the fascinating job you want today. What is Parapsychology? Parapsychology is one of those terms […]

Health & Fitness

Top Tips for Feeling Healthy and Happy

How you feel can have an enormous impact on the quality of your life. When you feel tired or struggle with pain or discomfort, it’s difficult to feel content and fulfilled. Because the quality of your life is so closely linked to your health, it’s wise to be proactive and take steps that can optimize […]

Health & Fitness

8 Challenges Healthcare Leaders: How to Eliminate Them

From medical malpractice lawsuits to increasing hospital-acquired infections – there are several reasons why healthcare executives must improve their industry know-how. Despite technological advancements in medical science, these challenges affect the efficiency of our healthcare leaders. Though governments have implemented strategies to address these problems, the burden to bring change now lies on health leaders. […]