Advertising is a common thing nowadays. Advertisers are following us everywhere: in supermarkets, in the streets and even online. Sometimes they look so nice and attractive that people actually want to buy whatever is being advertised. The examples may vary from one country to another but in the United States the first ad that comes to mind is Super Bowl.

Many of us still remember it and enjoy watching it again and again. An international example of a popular commercial is 7UP. Now it’s almost impossible to find someone who hasn’t heard of this fizzy refreshing drink. But have you ever heard of a wacky cake or of a 7up cake? It is easily cooked and you’ll beg for more one you try it!

First, preheat the oven and mix some eggs with 1 box lemon pudding in a large bowl. Then add oil and 7up to get the zesty taste. Once the oven is heated, bake the cake for 45 minutes. Let it cool and top with glaze! Done! Now you can surprise your friends, colleagues or family and the cooking doesn’t take much time.

After such a successful baking experience you’ll probably want to buy some more ingredients and cook something more sophisticated. Don’t waste your time going to a shop nearby, now everything is sold online! Go to your favorite shopping website and buy everything you need for your future masterpieces! I have to warn you: most of the time you’ll find a lot of ads there, but don’t panic, you can always use adblock.

Unfortunately, the site algorithms can track your activity and suggest you to buy more. And even if you don’t want the product the ad can follow you for weeks! There’s another issue about ad targeting: privacy. Your personal data is constantly analyzed even without your consent. Still, I would totally recommend online shopping if you lack time or if you can’t go shopping for any other reason.

Ads can be rather annoying, especially if they’re animated and pop up over the text you’d like to read. Moreover, your shopping site can load for ages if there are too many animated or video ads.

The most interesting thing about it, though, is that subjective annoyance factors can be different at different times. This means that if you’re engaged with the content you’re interacting with you can be less annoyed by some type of ads. So, if you’re looking for the perfect ingredients for your 7up cake don’t wait for certain inspiration. Go grab your laptop and buy any ingredients you need!

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