You’ve probably heard before about how video improves your SEO campaign. But if you really want to elevate this content, don’t publish it on its own. Posting a transcript along with your video can give your SEO campaign a considerable boost.

What is a Transcript and How Do You Make One?

A transcript is simply a script of your audio, and making one involves writing down all the words spoken in your ad or demo.

As you might suspect, this step is tedious, especially if you have a lot of videos to transcribe.

Your marketing or communications team could do it, but they likely have better things to do. In which case, it’s better to outsource this task to a reputable transcription service provider.

When you compare your comms team’s attempts at transcription to professionally fast transcription services, there’s no contest. Experienced transcriptionists work well under tight deadlines, producing accurate scripts free from embarrassing errors.

You can find a transcription service company like you would find any company nowadays. Open a new tab and type this into your Google search: audio transcription services near me. This will bring up a long list of possible candidates to compare for the best service.

4 Ways Transcription and Translation Services Boost Your SEO

Your Script is a Major Link Building Opportunity

Link building is at the heart of every successful SEO campaign, and there can’t be any link building without text.

A transcription service provider produces a flawless script that’s easy to optimize with rankable keywords.

Transcripts Are an Easy Source of Fresh Content

You need fresh content to drive your performance on SERPs and stand out from the competition. But it’s not always easy thinking up new blog ideas. You can post your video transcripts between blog posts to increase the amount of content you produce without multiplying your comm’s team workload.

Search engines also reward websites publishing long-form posts. Adding a script below a video is an easy way to beef up this page.

Create Localised Content

If you’re trying out an international SEO campaign to target foreign visitors, you can use your official transcription to produce customised content.

Need it in another language? Don’t worry — transcription and translation services often go hand-in-hand. Many global transcription services have multilingual professionals on staff with experience translating and transcribing audio-video content.

Increase Dwell Time

2022 is the year that experts forecast video content will make up 82% of all online consumer traffic. That makes video marketing an essential this year.

But there’s a tiny flaw with video content. If you only post a video on your page, your visitors will only stay on that page for the length of the video.

By including a transcript, you’ll increase the length of time people will stay on your page. And if you’ve included links to other parts of your site, your script may keep visitors on your site for longer before they click back to the SERP page.


Video is a marketing essential that isn’t going away any time soon. And that’s a good thing, considering how videos can help you rank higher on search page results. So, the next time you’re about to publish a demo, ad, or explainer video, make sure you post the transcript with it, too.

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